Pictoblog was an experiment in image weblogging, where each day was represented by an image and each image linked to a different website. It ran during 45 weeks, from November 2002 to September 2003, and was praised in Coolstop ("an excellent alternative portal to the visual arts"), diminished responsibility ("great collection of links and iconic imagery"), Weblog Central ("neat idea"), Coolios Weblog ("this is an original blog"), and mediaTIC ("un concept intéressant"), among others.

Although Pictoblog is no longer updated, you can still visit all the 45 pages, 315 imagens, and 315 links. Or you can go directly to Plic Plac, my new image weblog, with photos made with a toy camera . If you can read Portuguese, there are also a couple of other websites to explore, my weblog Por um Punhado de Pixels and my webzine Burburinho: